Tuesday, October 21, 2014


  Having been very sad for what feels like forever, I am now at the point of missing Guy that all I want to do is sit in the middle of the floor, road or wherever I am at and cry. Archer is becoming more courageous in his wooing of me for he has even taken to singing and playing music to me to try and bring me out of my sadness but he only succeeds in making me even more sad.

  I no longer want to have any contact with people and I know this is a worry to Brigid. She goes to the market for us even though I do not eat much. I do try and go to small garden in hopes that will help but with Sir Guy taking up my thoughts the garden is of no help.

  I feel I am at my wit's end with Sir Guy's rejection and banishment of me. I know I should move on with my life and I have tried but when my heart belongs to him what is the point of trying to give it to someone else?