Sunday, December 21, 2014

Evening Meal

 Brigid and I were doing our cleaning, as is our way every Saturdai,  earlier in the month, when there was a knock on our door. I wiped myself down as best as I could and answered the door. On the other side stood a holy man in search haven from the cold so I let him in our home. actually I almost dragged him in for he looked as if he could do with some comfort of warmth and food.

  Taking the holy man in I set him by the fire while Brigid brought him a cup of warm cider and bread with some cheese. I asked him to stay and eat our mid-day meal with us. He gratefully accepted our generosity and told us  to finish our chores for he would wait. Making sure that he was comfortable Brigid and I finished cleaning the house.

  While I finished with the cleaning Brigid put a fowl on to roast for the mid-day meal.

  After I finished the last of the cleaning I went and prepared the red carrots  and greens while Brigid tended to the bread.

  When the evening meal was ready the holy man blessed our food and company and we ate in relative silence, with either Brigid or I breaking the silence with things that were to be done in the coming week. As we would talk our visitor would smile and say nothing except to reply when asked if he would like something more to eat or drink.

  When our meal was done the holy man again took his place by the fire while Brigid and I cleaned the table and cooking area and began to tell the tale of the Widow of Nain. Brigid and I looked at each other but said nothing and listened. After we are done with cleaning up, Brigid and I sit near our visitor and talk of weather and such.

  With darkness drawing near I ask him to stay but he declines saying that he is expected by the abbot at St. Mary's Monastery. So he rises and we walk  to the door. I put a woolen cloak around him to protect him from the night which he was reluctant to take but thanked me for it. As we stood at the door just as he was leaving I told him I was wonder why he relayed the tale of the Widow of Nain. As the holy man stepped out my door and onto the street he said it was his way of letting me know he knew who I am. Since not many know who I am I asked him who he believes me to be.His answer... was...his answer was that he knows me to be the Widow Gisborne.