*Picking up my quill again and dipping it into the ink I continue my story from my cell in the abbe*
The snow falls gently on the grounds of the abbe and the nuns say their midday prayers. I could not listen to their prayers and gentle music when Brigid and I first came but gradually they have become a small source of comfort. Brigid and I need all the comfort we are offered no matter how small after our attack.
The attack. Dieu I wish I may forget it but I fell it will live with me forever as it will Brigid.
*I pull my cloak closer to me as I shiver at the memory of the event*
What I know for myself of what happened is truly only hearsay for if you recall I was beaten unconscious and that the last thing I heard before slipping into darkness was the scream of Brigid and her attacker.
I came to in the abbe with a nun hovering over me as I struggled to rise and look for Brigid a nun held me back down upon the bed with a firm grip which only made more bruises on me. I suppose it was good that my face was swollen badly enough for me not to be able to say who the nun was nor did I pay heed to her voice because of my concern for Brigid. The nun gave me a draught of something strong for it made me feel dim and I again I slept.
When I awoke, it was a few days later but I had Brigid at my side battered and bruised. When I saw her I uncontrollably wept and apologized to her. She held and rocked me as she did when I was a child and kept telling me she was fine and only slightly hurt. I knew better and wept so hard that I shook the both of us. After calming down a bit I looked up from the arm of Brigid and saw him. Archer. For then I knew the truth. Archer was our rescuer. My mind began to spin and my gut flipped. It was all I could do from becoming sick on Brigid because of the shame that I had wrought and that he had to see it. This was too much for me and I collapsed against Brigid into a deeper sleep.
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