Tuesday, January 14, 2014


  The ring? The ring...the ring...the ring. And how is Sir Guy? These questions had been asked of me on a daily basis by others and in a less than friendly tone. So in response I have taken to bed. In all honesty, I have mainly taken to bed for the loss of Sir Guy. At lest the loss of MY Sir Guy not the one who destroyed Angel's Mass. Not many seem to understand that I would rather have Sir Guy back as Sir Guy than his ring. Well, yes, his ring is nice and was given with some love and I did treasure it, but I would rather have my Sir Guy.

  So my bed has become my great refuge. I can rid the world and get some peacefulness by drawing the doors, windows and tapestry close. Here I do not have to endure the sidelong glances and snickers from the gossiping  hags that have never known love or the pain that it can bring. 

   Some servants have, either out of courage or lacking of ability to understand, have knocked upon my chamber's door to inquire food or drink. Do they not understand that I want to be left alone and to mourn!

  Now granted it has been only within the last few days that I have been tempted to partake in food and drink for I hear a tray being left at my door a few times a day. But that would mean leaving my sanctuary and I really do not feel like moving. For without my Guy why bother? I know it is wrong to feel this way but I do not care.


Anonymous said...

Is there no hope that you and Sir Guy will be reunited? I do so like a story with a happy ending

CassiaDeWarren said...

I think there is still hope. "There is always hope" ;-)

Lady M of Gisborne said...

There can always be another fly in the ointment.